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Group Health Incentives
How to Game-ify Group Health Incentives at Work
Companies are creating friendly competition in the workplace through fitness and weight loss competitions, and other group wellness programs. Find out how group health incentives are reducing healthcare costs and improving company culture.
Employee Wellness Programs
The Fitbit Craze – Wearable Tech and Employee Wellness Competitions
Wearable tech and fitness competitions are helping employees be healthier and more productive at work, and cutting company healthcare costs. Find out how employee wellness competitions are creating a culture of well-being at work.
Fitness Trends
When it Comes to Fitness Trends, Do This, Not That
The first rule of a successful weight-loss program is that there is no quick-fix solution. In fact, many popular programs may not be effective in helping you achieve your goals at all. Watch out for these fitness and weight loss trends.
Stay Fit During the Winter
Wintry Ways to Keep Your Family Fit
Between the chilly weather and seasonal comfort foods, it’s easy to be lulled into hibernation mode in the winter. Why not embrace the season and commit to staying in shape? Try these winter fitness ideas.
Tips to Quit Smoking
How to Quit Smoking for Good
Now is the time to quit. Whether you’ve tried before or this is your first attempt, these expert-backed tips will help you kick the habit once and for all. Quit smoking today.