You Should Talk About Money — Here’s How

Many people find it uncomfortable to talk about money, even with family or friends. But talking about this very important topic is exactly what we should be doing, especially with family and friends as they can be your most important assets during this time of need.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a spouse, friend, co-worker or parent, enlist someone you trust to support you and keep you accountable. Open up about the issues you are facing. The more honest you are when discussing budgets, debts, and your 401(k), the more likely it is that you will learn something new. Also, look for a mentor who has already achieved some of the goals you have in mind and learn from them. Ask what they did right and – just as importantly – mistakes they have learned from.

To ensure your conversation is productive, arrange a dedicated time on the calendar so that each of you can focus. It may also be helpful to have a few questions prepared in advance to get the conversation started, including:

  • What are your financial goals?
  • What is the best financial advice you’ve received?
  • Do you keep track of your monthly spending? If so, how?
  • What’s the best way to prepare for unexpected expenses?
  • Are there any resources, such as books, podcasts, or blogs, you’d recommend?

Be sure to schedule regular updates too so you can stay on track, feel more confident about your finances and make more informed decisions. Don’t let awkwardness or embarrassment keep you from embracing conversations that can set you – and your finances – up for future success.

Access our other tips on how to achieve financial wellness by clicking here.